If you desire a custom made amplifier but don’t know how the process of ordering one works, this page is for you.
About Jelle – About The Process
Hi! My name is Jelle Welagen and I live, breath, eat and sleep guitar tone. My two companions are a vintage Strat and a Les Paul.
When I started playing guitar at the age of 15, I was always trying to get a certain guitar tone, one that my heroes had. But no matter how hard I tried, I could never find that with the gear found at the local music stores. For years I tried both new and vintage amplifiers, and actually went through several dozen. It was a long and frustrating journey that never got me where I wanted.
Then I started modifying amplifiers. The results were not great at first, – I am sure initially I made things sound much worse – but slowly and steadily I discovered what changes in the circuitry were needed to make these amplifiers respond more musically. I continued that process for over 20 years. My training in the scientific method – that I obtained as part of my training as a Neuroscientist – was instrumental in creating a thorough understanding of why some amps sound amazing, and most don’t. I have discovered a method of tone shaping that will not only make amps sound great, but will also make them feel articulate and easy to play.
Since then, I have helped many others get the tones they were after by providing them with a positive solution to their tonal quest, by providing them with a new amplifier, or by modifying a vintage one, and by supporting them with information every step of the way.
To learn how I can support you too, just look around on the website and please email or call me to get the process started.

I focus on designing and building custom tailored solutions that allow your musical growth to happen – without requiring a second mortgage. My belief in helping you is simple: work together, share the truth, work hard, and deliver the best work I can. That’s what I’m all about and that is what Welagen Amplification is all about.
After you decide what platform works best for you, and place an order for one, you will receive an email or phone call from me to discuss the customization options and we will work together to figure out the specs for your amplifier: tone, colors, NOS parts, etc.
Customization options for color and covering are endless. Some examples are shown here.
“The whole process was a new experience for me and one which I enjoyed very much. I’m really happy how it turned out.”
Then the build will be scheduled into the production schedule. As you may understand, the build time varies per project, an Overdrive Special will be completed quicker than a fully customized amplifier. After the assembly is completed, the amplifier will be tested and undergo final voicing. This is the most important phase and you will be contacted with questions on the desired response of the amplifier at this time – to ensure I hit the mark. This is a service not many builders offer, but I believe it is crucial for getting things right.
After the amplifier is fully tested and burned in, the amplifier – with operating manual – is double boxed (as specified by FedEx guidelines) using boxes that are specifically designed for Welagen products. At this time the remaining balance and a FedEx shipping account number is requested.
After you receive the amplifier, I will contact you to go over any questions you may have.
I am here for you as both a guide and as a friend. I value the relationships with my customers. I want to hear your stories, I want to know what I can do to help you. I want the Welagen experience to be our experience together. That is how we all learn and grow together, including me. With everything I do at Welagen Amplification, I want my customers to sound and play better, and most importantly, have fun making music.